Link Logo Game Rules
The General Idea
Two teams face off across the table to play Link LOGO. There are three rounds in each turn as follows:
- Round One. Each team tries to find the LINK between the six large pictures on their page.
- Round Two. The teams ask each other four questions relating to the PICTURES.
- Round Three. The teams ask each other four questions related to the LINK.
Teams win points for each right answer and keep score using the pegs on the side of the game case. The first team to reach an agreed target (say 60 points) wins.
Getting Ready to Play
Open the plastic case and fold it over to form a triangle stand to display the playing sheets on either side. Use the fixing piece to link the two bottom edges of the case to keep the stand steady. See diagrams on reverse of rules.
Split into two teams, Team A and Team B. Team A answers first.
All the sheets should be on one side of the stand to start, with the number “01” visible on the top left of the cover – if not, flip all the sheets over to the other side. Place the stand in the middle of the table between the teams – so everyone in each team can see their page.
Put the scoring pegs into the lowest (“0”) slots for “units” and “tens”. Scoring is like counting - move up the “units” slots to reach 9, then move the “tens” peg up by one space and the “units” peg back to 0. Agree a winning total before you start - 60 would mean a short game, 80 a standard game.
What’s on a Page
On your page there are: one LINK Challenge question to ask about the six large pictures on your opponents’ sheet then four questions relating to their PICTURES and four questions relating to their LINK.
The Link Challenge Question
The question about your opponents’ Six Picture LINK can sometimes give a hint as to what it is.
Playing the Game
After conferring, a team may make only one attempt at answering each question - so it may help for each team to choose a spokesperson who gives their final answers.
To start the game, flip over the first page so each team can now see its first set of pictures.
Team B reads out the LINK challenge question for Team A. When they have solved it – or given up – Team A reads out the LINK challenge question for Team B.
First Team A must study the set of six large pictures at the top of their page trying to work out the link. Team B can see the same pictures on the row of six below their main large pictures. Team B should try to work out what Team A’s link is – but just for bragging rights if they get it first – but stay quiet and don’t give Team A any help by blurting out the answers.
The answers to your opponent’s LINK are printed upside down in light grey at the bottom of each Team’s sheet, so they are not immediately obvious.
After Team A solves their link, or admits they are stumped, Team B tries to solve their LINK while Team A tries to beat them to it – again just for fun – and quietly.
Solving LINKS – this can take a few minutes and the length of time allowed is generally agreed by everyone playing. Normally teams take as long as they need until they have an answer or agree that they are stumped.
For correctly finding their LINK a team scores two points. It then scores one more point for each explanation of how the pictures relate to the LINK – so a maximum of eight points.
A few cards don’t require an explanation of the pictures that relate to the link and so only score two points. These sheets come in pairs so both teams have the same restricted score that turn.
If a team cannot work out the LINK, they are given the complete LINK answer shown in the pale grey panel at the bottom of their opponents’ page, and no points are awarded.
These four questions relate to the opponents’ six large pictures.
Team A is asked their four questions, then Team B is asked their four questions. Each correct answer is worth ONE point.
These four questions relate to the LINK you worked out in Round One.
Team A is asked their four questions, then Team B is asked theirs. Each correct answer is worth ONE point.
Next Card
After the three Rounds have been completed by both teams, mark the scores then flip over the sheet to show the next pair of pages.
For fairness, the team answering questions first should swap over with every turn of a sheet.
The first team to reach or exceed the agreed target score WINS.
Should the sheets become mixed up while out of the rings, they can easily be re-ordered using the small numbers at the top left on one side of every page.
General Hint
Say out loud what you are seeing in the pictures, it is odd, but this can often help to solve the link, when sitting silently just doesn’t get it done.