Ages 12+, 2 teams

about Best of the Royals
The LOGO family is all about the 'things (and people)' we know and love, so we simply had to create this addition to LOGO's "Best Of..." games range because... The Royals are arguably the best known family in the world as well as one of the best known 'brands' in the world.
The monarchy is Britain's national treasure; we have all grown up reading, seeing and hearing about its members and their activities; our brains are full of Royal trivia, so with love and respect to ERII and CRIII and without further ado, enjoy this Royal game complete with the classic LOGO; Picture, Theme and Pot Luck question cards.
#BestOfRoyals #LogoBoardGame
2x Royal Puzzles,
55 Cards, Rules.
To find out where to buy in the UK please click here to visit the UK Drumond Park website.
Coming soon! New for 2023.
Images – Creative Commons: Aston Martin: pyntofmyld (CC BY 2.0), Biscuit: Marco Verch (CC BY 2.0), King Charles I: Herman Pijpers (CC BY 2.0), UK Royal Coat of Arms: Sodacan (CC BY-SA 3.0), Palace Guard: Kurt and Becky (CC BY-SA 2.0), Postage Stamp: Leigh Harries (CC BY-SA 2.0), Red Arrows: Jake Archibald (CC BY 2.0), Swan: Sanchezn (CC BY-SA 3.0), Union Jack: Rian Saunders (CC BY 2.0), Buckingham Palace: SAC Matthew 'Gerry' Gerrard RAF/© MoD Crown Copyright 2016 (OGL v1.0), Royal Yacht: East Riding Archives.