Ages 8+

about Horrid Practical Jokes
There are 10 jokes that use the enclosed props and instructions for 10 more using everyday household items.
"... the simple pleasures of seeing that horrified face, or hearing that appalled scream ..."
Horrid Practical Jokes is a collection of classic Practical Jokes that you'll find in Joke Shops across the land. It is undoubtedly hilarious, and maybe a tad vulgar but these tricks are very easy to play on whichever poor, hapless victim takes your fancy.
If it's NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY - this is the box to buy! From the simple pleasures of seeing that horrified face, or hearing that appalled scream - to out and out revenge, nothing beats HORRID PRACTICAL JOKES for pure value.
If you have a delicate disposition and are easily shocked - don't even THINK about buying this box. If you want a bit of innocent frightful fun - it's perfect.
Practical jokes are fun IF you use some common sense.
PLEASE MAKE CERTAIN your fun is not going to hurt someone else.
To find out where to buy in the UK please click here to visit the UK Drumond Park website.
"Great stuff. I bought this for a friend's son and he loves it! Big success as an alternative to the endless Minecraft related gifts he gets. He's been pulling off tricks on his 'unsuspecting' family with great hilarity and will continue to do so for some time I think - brilliant"
"Highly recommend. Hours of good old fashioned fun at a fantastic price"
"Great item, my 8 year old really enjoyed this. Simple and easy to use and understand."