Lyric Rules
To be the first team or player to reach the Gold Note and correctly sing six different lyrics, each containing a different word from a Lyric Gold Card.
Separate the 204 Lyric Question Cards (orange,blue, yellow, green notes), 204 Lyric Performance Cards (pink, purple, red notes) and 86 Lyric Gold Cards and place them in their own sections of the card box. Players divide into two or more teams. Each team must contain at least two players (some teams may have one extra player). Each team takes a playing piece and places it on the treble clef at the beginning of the path of musical notes on the board. Each team also receives a category reminder card for reference during play.
When moving along the board, each note counts as one space. The team with the youngest player starts. One player from this team rolls both dice and moves their piece forward the total number of spaces scored. After the move, the team is given a question matching the coloured note their piece has just landed on.This question is taken from the front card in the Lyric Question or Lyric Performance section of the box by a player from the team to the left. A correct answer means that the team's piece moves forward the number of spaces equal to the score just rolled on the white dice and ends the turn.
An incorrect answer means that the team's piece moves back the number of spaces equal to the number just rolled on the black dice, also ending the turn.Play continues in a clockwise direction.
After each turn all cards are placed to the back of their section in the card box.
Landing on another team's piece:
This sends the piece that was landed on back to the previous treble clef.
Treble Clefs:
Treble clefs do not count as spaces when moving along the board. Any number of pieces can occupy the same treble clef at any one time.
Lyric Question Cards
Song Lyric (Orange notes): Any team member must name the song title or parts of different songs.
Lyric Major (Blue notes):
Any team member must answer from a variety of lyric-based questions.
Next Lyric (Yellow notes):
Any team member must sing the line that follows the given lyric. They must sing the exact number of words as indicated in the question. When only part of a next lyric question is answered correctly they are told which parts have been correctly answered. They must make further progress with each following attempt until they either get a completely correct answer, or fail to improve on their answer which will count as an incorrect answer.
Lyric Minor (Green notes):
Any team member must answer from a variety of more difficult lyric-based questions.
The timer is not set on any of the previous four categories
Lyric Performance Cards
Any Lyric (Purple notes):
Any team member must sing consecutive words from any part of the lyrics from a given song. The number of words is determined by the total score just rolled on the two dice. The timer is set by a member of the team to the left immediately after the song title has been read out. No word from the song title can be included amongst the words being sung.
Lyric Word (Pink notes):
Any team member must sing lyrics from different songs each containing the given word. The number of lyrics is decided by the score just rolled on the dice indicated in the question. If both dice are indicated then the total number must be sung. The timer is set by a member of the team to the left immediately after the given word is read out.
Lyric Charade/Lyric Doodle (Red notes):
A player from the team landing on a red note takes out the next Lyric Performance Card from the box without showing it to any member of their team. If the total just rolled on the dice was an odd number then that player must perform the given charade featured on the card for the other members of their team. If the total rolled was an even number then that player must draw the given doodle for their team. The team has forty-five seconds to identify the song title from either the Lyric Charade or Lyric Doodle (whichever is being performed). The timer is set by a member from the team to the left as soon as the charade or doodle has started. Players may have as many guesses as they like in this category.
Lyric Gold Cards
When landing on the Gold Note (the exact number does not need to be rolled), a member from the team to the left takes out the next Lyric Gold Card. They then read out the first of the six words on that card before setting the timer. Each time any member from the team on the Gold Note sings a lyric containing the given word, the next word is read out and so on. If the team successfully sings six different lyrics, each containing the given word within forty-five seconds, they win the game. Failure to achieve all six counts as an incorrect answer and the team's piece moves back the number of spaces equal to the number just rolled on the black dice.
If any piece lands on another piece occupying the Gold Note, this sends the piece that was landed on back to the previous treble clef.
When answering on the Gold and Pink Notes, only the exact word itself from the card is allowed (e.g. deep cannot be accepted if the word is deeper and vice-versa). Also a word that sounds the same but is spelt differently cannot be accepted (e.g. son and sun). Plurals are not accepted unless the actual word given is plural.
Any player can choose to recite rather than sing any answer.
When having to sing or recite part of a song as an answer, even one word can be considered as acceptable as long as it is recognized by at least one other player.
When a single player lands on a red note they are given all the questions from the next Lyric Question card. The number of questions they need to answer correctly will match the number they have just rolled on the white dice. If they achieve this they move forward the number of spaces just rolled on the white dice. If they fail they must move back the number rolled on the black dice.